Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Disneyland Fun!

For the first time ever I went to Disneyland during Halloween time. It was a blast!! I went with my sister and her boyfriend and of course with my husband! We arrived at Disneyland at 8am and did not get home until 1am. Boy was I tired but it sure was fun!! Finding Nemo was a great ride, I enjoyed it very much and I couldn't believe how Disney changed it up. Their animation under the sea was great! Well if you have not gone to Disneyland I highly recommend it! It is one of my favorite spots but it is quite expensive ... prices are ridiculous! I will post pictures so you can see how much fun I had!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Mrs. Virginia

Mrs. Virginia
Originally uploaded by vrgnsolis
By looking at the smile on my face you can tell how much I enjoyed teaching my students!

A Sad Good Bye

October 19, 2007 was my last day at The Little Gym of Riverside and it was the hardest week ever! To say goodbye to my students and their parents was the hardest thing I had to do without crying. For many, their job is just a paycheck, for me it was a part of me; I gave my heart and soul to those around me. Although saying goodbye was very hard to do, it was done for good reasons. Being a part of my students lives was one of the greatest gifts the Lord and their parents blessed with me. The Lord is guiding me down another path but it is still a path of teaching and making a difference in the world. To my students at The Little Gym, I will miss you and I love you all but you will never be forgotten. I hope to see you all again one day but for now I just ask for everyone's blessings. Thank you for a wonderful and beautiful experience.

All my love!