Thursday, November 15, 2007

Continuing my Education

Today I will be attending my orientation for
the Master/Credential program. I am excited
and can't wait to begin. My classes begin in
January 2008 and if all goes well I will be student
teaching my September of 2008! I owe a big thank
you to my husband, family, and a few friends who
eagered me on. Every thing seems to be happening
so quickly but I know the Lord will guide me through
my journey. I want to teach again so bad, I miss it.
I miss my students everyday at the Little Gym but I
will treasure the memories I made with all of them.
Thank you everyone for all of your support!! Pray for
me and wish me luck!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Baby Brother

This young man is my baby brother! He is someone I admire and am very proud of. He attends Poly High School, is on the Varsity Track team and in AP classes. Being the oldest of 5 children is FUN! Watching them all grow up is amazing and watching the baby of the family grow up is exciting but sad at the same time. Everyone ... meet my baby brother Albert.